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- Written by: Tasos Papadopoulos
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 141
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- Written by: Tasos Papadopoulos
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 63
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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- Written by: Tasos Papadopoulos
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 124
This agreement is drafted between the company D.S.I. SERVICES E.E. with distinctive title THE CAR RENTAL E.E., which resides in Peraia Thessaloniki at Ampelokipon 55, PC 57019, GEMI No176491706000, VAT 802445533, legally represented, which shall be called for reasons of brevity THE LESSOR, and, on the other hand, THE LESSEE, whose name is inscribed on the front page of the present document, and is and is subject to the following terms and conditions and as well as those set forth on the front page hereof. The Lessor hereby leases, delivers and grants to the Lessee, in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, the possession and use of the vehicle, accessories and equipment, which are described on the front page hereof. The vehicle in question, including any vehicle that may replace it, with all its components and equipment, will henceforth be called for brevity the "Car".
The duration of this contract starts from the date of signing this contract and delivery of the Car and is indicated on the front side of this contract. The minimum duration of the rental is twenty-four hours (1 day).
3.1. The amount of lease of the Car is indicated on the front side of this. The amount of lease corresponds fully to the rental value of the Car, and the Lessee acknowledges that it does not, and in any case waives any right to dispute this or request a reduction. The entire lease is payable in advance by the Lessee to the Lessor, in cash or by credit card of a banking institution with which the Lessor cooperates, upon delivery of the Car to the Lessee. The payment of the lease is proven by signing of this agreement, which serves as proof of the provision of services to the exclusion of any other means of proof, including the oath. A relevant document will be issued for any additional charge, which will be incurred by the Lessee upon delivery of the Car to the Lessor.
3.2. The lease does not include any amount or expense that is not expressly included in the relevant position on the front page hereof and has not been marked with a relevant indication, and is entirely borne by the Lessee. Indicative and not restrictive, the lease does not include the following:
- A) fuel costs, including the value of missing fuel and the cost of replenishment, according to the Lessor's official tariff in force at the time of the rental. B) Fines for violations of the road traffic code or any other applicable provision or administrative penalties. C) Additional kilometers of use, beyond the total number included in the lease and indicated in the relevant point on the front page hereof. D) Fees and taxes of any nature imposed in connection therewith. E) Tire safety, unless agreed and noted with a relevant indication in the relevant position on the front page hereof. F) Navigation system (GPS), unless agreed and noted with a relevant indication in the relevant position on the front page hereof
3.3. For each additional kilometer beyond the total number included in the lease and indicated in the relevant section of the front page (KLM ALLOWANCE) hereof, the Lessee is obliged to pay the Lessor the amount per kilometer indicated in the relevant section of the lessor's official price list. The final total calculation of the above extra mileage compensation will be made at the end of the present lease, and the delivery of the Car to the Lessor, in which case the entire resulting amount is immediately payable by the Lessee.
3.4. If the Lessee has chosen to charge his credit card as a method of payment, then he/she hereby provides the Lessor with the power of attorney to charge the credit card with the due amount of the lease. The Lessee agrees and accepts that his/her credit card is to be charged with the payment of any administrative fines imposed on the Car during the lease period as well as for the payment of damages found on the leased car upon delivery of the car to the lessor.
The Lessee has paid the Lessor, as a guarantee for the proper execution of this contract, the amount indicated in the relevant position on the front page hereof. The amount of the guarantee remains with the Lessor throughout the term of this Agreement, is not offset against any rent due, and is returned to the Lessee without interest, at the end of the term of this lease, and provided that the Lessee has fulfilled all obligations of those arising from it. The Lessor is entitled in any case to additionally demand the full restoration of any other potential damage.
The Car has been delivered to the Lessee today, in the condition stated in the relevant point on the front page hereof. The Lessee carefully inspected the Car, performed a test drive, found it to his absolute satisfaction and accepted it without reservation. The signature hereof constitutes proof of delivery of the Car to the Lessee. At the end of the term of this lease, the Lessee is obliged to return and deliver to the Lessor the Car, together with the registration license and all related documents, in the same condition as received, and at the place and time specified in the relevant position of the front page hereof, as well as with the same amount of fuel that the Car had when it was delivered to the Lessee. Any difference in the amount of fuel, calculated based on the relevant indicator on the dashboard, is borne by the Lessee and is paid upon delivery of the Car by the Lessee to the Lessor. If the car is returned with more fuel than received, the difference is not refunded. Also, the Lessee is obliged to notify the Lessor upon delivery of the Car of any fines imposed for violations of the Road Traffic Code or of any other applicable provision or administrative penalties, and he/she is obliged to immediately pay the relevant fines. In case of failure to notify, the Lessee is responsible for paying any charges imposed on the Lessor. In the event of an extension of the lease, the Lessee is obliged to inform the Lessor in good time and before the end of the lease and to pay the extra lease corresponding to the hours or days of delay in delivery of the Car, according to the applicable price list of the Lessor, as well as to compensate and fully indemnify the Lessor for any positive or consequential loss thereof.
6.1. The Car is to be used exclusively in accordance with the terms and provisions herein and only by the Lessee and/or the authorized drivers, whose details are inscribed in the relevant position on the front page of this.
6.2. The Lessee as well as the authorized drivers are obliged to take care of the Car, carefully check its mechanical condition, oil and water levels, tires, etc., as well as show every diligence and take every necessary measure for the smooth and normal operation of the Car. Any repair and general intervention in the Car by the Lessee, the authorized drivers or any other third party is prohibited, without the prior written approval of the Lessor. If there is a car failure during the rental period, the lessee or driver can take the vehicle, upon approval of the company, to an authorized workshop to be checked. The inspection costs are borne by the Lessor provided upon presentation of the original invoices, provided that damage is not due to the fault of the lessee or driver.
6.3. The Car is prohibited to be used: 1) By any person under 23 years of age and under 25 years of age for cars of categories E, F, G, H, J, K, L, P, Q, I, T, S, U, 2) by any person who lacks a license or has acquired it within the last 24 months. 3) by any person who has had his/her driver's license revoked in the year prior to the lease. 4) For the transport of persons or things for a fee. 5) For towing cars or other objects. 6) for participation in speed races. 7) For subletting to third parties. 8) By any third party other than the Lessee or the authorized drivers listed on the front page hereof. 9) For the transportation or movement of heavy luggage or objects, flammable materials, polluting or smelly objects, drugs, weapons, or any other objects, the possession and transportation of which is prohibited by the applicable provisions, or may cause any risk to the safety of Car, its occupants or third parties. 10) Outside Greece, without the prior written approval of the Lessor. It is also prohibited to load the Car onto a ship, without the prior written approval of the Lessor. 11) If the driver of the Car is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, barbiturates, or any other substance, which affects the ability to drive and the senses of the driver or is generally in a state of reduced ability to drive and perception. 12) In violation of any traffic, customs or any other applicable provision. 13) For any illegal purpose or criminal action. 14) For driving lessons to third parties. 15) In violation of any provision herein
In the event of an accident or any other incident (fire, theft, loss, etc.) the Lessee and/or the authorized driver is obliged to follow the following procedure immediately and before moving the car: A) Notify the Police. B) To take note of the names and addresses of eyewitnesses, as well as any other person involved in the above incidents. C) Not to acknowledge any claims of third parties. D) To contact the Lessor immediately by telephone or by any other means. E) To collect any relevant information from any third party, as well as any relevant document or other element (e.g. photos, etc.) and send it to the Lessor. F) To call accident care (phone numbers are listed on the insurance policy). G) To complete and sign a relevant declaration (accident, etc.).
The insurance coverage provided is valid under the condition that the Car is used in full compliance with the terms and provisions herein, as well as the relevant insurance policies. Otherwise, the Lessee and the authorized drivers are fully, jointly and severally liable for the full restoration of any damage that may occur, and they entirely indemnify the Lessor of any claim. The Lessee and the authorized drivers are entirely responsible for and must compensate in full any damage not covered by the relevant insurance policies, which they carefully checked and received upon delivery of the Car and signing hereof. In particular: A) The Lessee (as well as the authorized drivers) is obliged, in the event that the Car suffers material damage during the lease, to pay the Lessor, regardless of his/her fault and without any objection, all damages and/or expenses incurred, including the costs of recovery and storage, as well as compensation for loss of use thereof, unless the Lessor releases him/her from liability for material damage to the Car, because the Lessee accepted at the commencement of the lease, the term for Covering Own Damages (Collision Damage Waiver ''CDW'') of the Car, according to the Lessor's price list, by selecting the box marked “YES” at the corresponding point on the front page hereof. The Lessee and the authorized drivers must also pay the Lessor, regardless of whether they have agreed to the above special "CDW" clause, a deductible amount of €300.00 - €2500.00 depending on the selected category (deductible) which is indicated in the respective context. The Lessee is also exempted from the aforementioned deductible amount, if he/she accepted at the beginning of the lease the condition for Full Damage Waiver (FDW) of the Car, according to the applicable price list of the Lessor, by selecting the box with the indication "YES" on the corresponding point on the front page of this. B) The Lessee (as well as the authorized drivers) are obliged in the event that the Car is completely stolen during the lease, to pay the Lessor, regardless of his/her fault and without no objection, the entire value of the stolen Car, which is calculated at the retail price of it, together with the cost of registration, license plates and any other related fees, according to the applicable list of the Lessor, as well as compensation for the non-use of the car, unless the Lessor releases him/her from liability for total theft of the Car, because the Lessee accepted at the beginning of the lease, the condition for Full Damage Waiver (FDW) of the Car, according to the price list of the Lessor, by selecting the box marked “YES” at the corresponding point on the front page hereof. C) The Lessee (as well as the authorized drivers) is obliged, in the event that the Car suffers damage to the tires during the rental period, to pay the Lessor, regardless of his/her fault and without any objection, all the resulting damages and/or expenses, including recovery costs, unless the lessee accepts at the commencement of the lease the term for Tire Security (TU), in accordance with the Lessor's price list, by checking the box marked “YES” in the corresponding point on the front page hereof. D) indicatively and not restrictively, the insurance coverage provided, including the above special clauses, does not cover: a) damage to the lower part of the Car, if it is driven to the edge of the asphalt (kennel) or on roads or unpaved areas, for the full restoration of which the lessee and the authorized drivers are fully, jointly and severally responsible b) any possible loss or damage to the luggage, which is not covered by insurance and for which the Lessor bears absolutely no responsibility, c) damage to the interior of the Car d) damage from incorrect fuel supply. The Lessor is entitled to directly collect any sums paid by the insurance companies, pursuant to the relevant contracts, in the event of any insurance risk. The Lessee or the authorized drivers neither have nor acquire any right or claim to such amounts. The car is covered by third-party liability insurance, with a maximum coverage amount of 1,300,000.00 Euro for material damage and 1,300,000.00 Euro for bodily injury to third parties (with the exception of drivers listed in the rental contract). Over these maximum limits, the Lessee and the authorized drivers are fully liable and obliged to cover any claim raised against the Lessor (indicative: lawsuits, compensations, legal costs, etc.).
The Lessor is liable only in case of fraud or gross negligence. In all other cases (including slight negligence, accidents or force majeure) the Lessor bears absolutely no responsibility and no claim can be raised against him. Also, the Lessor bears absolutely no responsibility for the loss of things transported with the Car or left in it after its delivery.
The Lessor is entitled, at its absolute discretion, with a relevant written statement to the Lessee, to indicate any third natural or legal person, as its substitution in whole or in part in its rights and obligations, deriving from this contract. The Lessee is not entitled to assign any of his/her rights or obligations arising from this.
The Car belongs to the Lessor throughout the Lease and may be equipped with a tracking device (GPS Tracker). This is solely a lease agreement, and the Lessee accepts that he/she does not have or acquires any other rights, except as limited herein. It is prohibited for the Lessee to dispose in any way, grant the use or recommend any kind of rights over the Car in favor of third parties. The Lessee is not and in no way can be considered a representative of the Lessor.
12.1. Both the Lessee and the authorized drivers of the Car are fully, jointly and severally liable towards the Lessor for the full and faithful observance of all the terms and provisions herein.
12.2. In the event that the Lessee or the authorized drivers violate or attempt to violate any of their obligations hereunder, or in the event that the information and other details they provide to the Lessor are not accurate, the Lessor is entitled to his absolute choice, either to stick to this contract, or to terminate it, demanding in any case the full restoration of any positive or collateral damage and the payment of any unpaid lease. In the event of termination of this contract, the Lessor is entitled to exercise all of its ownership and jurisdictional rights, including the right to remove the Car and take it over without the Lessee's consent, at any time and from whoever holds it in any way. In the event of termination of this Agreement, all of the Lessee's debts arising from the terminated contract become automatically due and payable.
12.3. In the event that the Lessee unilaterally terminates this lease before the end of the agreed term, he/she is obliged to have fulfilled all his/her obligations under this contract, and in particular those of the above article. The amount of lease paid in advance for the remaining period of the lease remain in favor of the Lessor, due to a reasonable and fair penalty clause.
12.4. This agreement is automatically terminated in the event that the Lessee, if he/she is natural person, dies or is placed under judicial support, and if it is a legal person, is placed in liquidation. Also, this agreement is terminated automatically in case of bankruptcy of the Lessee, in case of filing of an application for the declaration of bankruptcy of the Lessee or cessation of payments of the Lessee, in case of seizure, forced execution, auction, forced management of any of his/her assets.
The non-exercise or delayed exercise by the Lessor of its rights under this agreement does not constitute and cannot be considered as a waiver thereof.
Any dispute arising from this, including disputes regarding its interpretation, validity or execution, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Thessaloniki.
- A) All terms herein are considered essential. Violation of any of them results in the consequences stated in Article 12 above. This constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any contrary agreement, written or oral. The headings of the articles are set solely for the convenience of the contracting parties and cannot be used to interpret the present agreement. B) If more than one Lessee of the Car is a party hereto, they are liable to the Lessor as joint and several debtors for all obligations and responsibilities, based on this agreement. Late payment, fault of one of the Lessees, as well as the judgment against one of them and any judicial or extrajudicial statement of the Lessor, made to one of them or his/her appointed representative, act automatically and against the others.
Any modification of the terms hereof shall be null and void unless made in writing.
Any notice or communication hereunder shall be given to Lessor or Lessee at the respective addresses set forth on the front page hereof.

About Us
As a dedicated local family business with a lot of experience in the field of car rentals. Our top priority is to offer you the best experience you could possibly get during your stay in Greece.
We are here to answer your requests and help you find the best option for you, so when leaving Greece, you will have beautiful and warm memories to take with you.
If you're not sure why you should rent from us, let us give you a few reasons to do so:
- Unlimited kilometers (for bookings 3 days and more)
- Second driver is free of charge Night time reservations are free of charge
- Boosters and babysits are provided for free if requested
- No extra charge for airport delivery
- Free cancelation if requested 24h before the pick-up